It was another fantastic CICA conference this year held in Tucson. You’d be hard pressed to find a Vermonter not thrilled to bask in the warm sunshine of Tucson in mid-March. Although I was unable to take advantage of the various Sunday activities due to my flight schedule, I heard positive feedback from participants who enjoyed the annual golf tournament, brew tour and the newly offered jeep tour. Lots of attendees who arrived early went on hikes around the resort or lounged poolside preparing for two days of robust captive networking and education.
As someone who helps to put on the VCIA conference, I’d give my first born for a venue like the JW Marriott Starr Pass (kidding, of course). The expansive exhibit hall, numerous session rooms, and outdoor reception areas gave the record 724 attendees plenty of space to spread out for networking. With ample meeting space inside the exhibit hall, a lot of business was being done right in front of the State of Vermont booth which held a prominent location in the center aisle. I had heard Starr Pass was impressive, but it exceeded my expectations, and I look forward to going back in a few years.
One of the best parts of attending the CICA Conference is catching up with VCIA’s many members, sponsors and exhibitors. It’s a chance to talk with them in person when most of our business happens over email and phone calls. These connections are the most rewarding aspect of attending, not to mention all the new people I get to meet each year.

Thanks to VCIA Board member Ian Davis, I did get out for a little golf on the most gorgeous day. With a surprising amount of wildlife out on the course, I finally understood what they mean by a “dry heat” and didn’t miss the humidity one bit.
Another bonus: upon arriving in Tucson Kevin Mead and I pulled up to a local roadside taqueria and sat down surrounded by locals to enjoy the most authentic tacos and beans I’ve ever had. We both agreed this little food truck was a 10 out of 10 and a great way to kick off our time in Arizona.
Thanks to the hardworking and energetic CICA team, led by President Dan Towle and Executive Director Lauren Thomas, for giving me the opportunity to experience the Arizona desert for the first time, and for getting to spend productive (and fun) time with so many amazing captive industry leaders. Excited for 2026 in Palm Springs!
Speaking of conferences, I am excited to attend RiskWorld Chicago this year with my colleague Francis McGill. And we are putting on a VCIA Member Mixer for those folks who will be in town! Members can click the flyer below to register. This is all part of VCIA's strategic drive to boost member engagement and community.