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Join VCIA This Year on an Incredible Journey

2025 marks forty years for VCIA as the world's leading captive trade association. It's a year to reflect, celebrate and transform the association into an indispensable resource and industry partner for decades to come.

40th Anniversary Sponsors


From VCIA's humble beginnings to becoming a stalwart advocate and leader of the captive industry

The success of VCIA, and Vermont as a captive domicile, has been reached by the work of many hands. Here's a brief timeline of how we got here.


VCIA is formed, 4 years after VT licenses its first captive

It quickly became apparent that an association was needed to represent the rapidly growing list of captives who were redomesticating or domiciling in Vermont. By June of 1985, Vermont had licensed 28 captives and overtaken Colorado as the largest American captive domicile.


VCIA helps shape legislative bill that earmarks portion of captive premium taxes to support captive regulation

Working closely with government officials and captive managers, VCIA played a major role in passing legislation that reserved a portion of premium taxes to be used exclusively for captive regulation, which to this day has built Vermont's Gold Standard quality of regulatory oversight and accessibility.


VCIA lobbies NAIC for Vermont RRG accreditation

To ensure consistent regulation of RRGs from state to state, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) adds RRGs to the Accreditation Program. With the support of VCIA, Vermont becomes accredited.


Lisa Ventriss becomes president of VCIA

Ventriss tenure as VCIA president was a major leap forward for the association as she represented the industry and its strategic partners while Vermont grew into the largest domestic and third-largest captive domicile in the world.  The hallmark of her contributions was laying the foundation for what has become one of the industry’s leading educational organizations, the International Center for Captive Insurance Education (ICCIE).


VCIA lobbies US Labor Department on employee benefit risks, gets approval

With the persistence of VCIA, Columbia Energy Group won U.S. Labor Department approval to fund employee benefit risks through its Vermont Branch Captive, setting the stage for other employers to do the same.


VCIA launches the original roadshow program, the first of its kind in the industry

VCIA, in collaboration with the State of Vermont, host the first captive insurance roadshow in New York City, extolling the virtues of captive insurance and spreading awareness about its worth as an innovative risk management tool. Since 2002, VCIA has hosted more than 60 roadshows throughout America.


VCIA shapes Vermont bill to cap captive premium taxes at $200,000

And despite the meteoric growth of captives, the same cap is still in place today.


VCIA launches ICCIE to be an independent educational platform

The International Center for Captive Insurance Education (ICCIE), created by the VCIA, is officially launched to develop a pool of qualified captive insurance professionals through a comprehensive education program. In 2024, ICCIE celebrated its 20th anniversary at the VCIA Conference, where, with the help of VCIA, fundraised over $60,000 for future initiatives.


VCIA helps fend off IRS

The efforts of the IRS Coalition, led by VCIA and Captive Insurance Companies Association (CICA), helps roll back proposals from the IRS that limited insurance tax treatment of captive insurance companies.


VCIA draws record-breaking 1,400 attendees to its annual conference

And cements VCIA as the ultimate captive conference in America, and perhaps the world.


Rich Smith becomes president of VCIA

Richard Smith becomes VCIA’s President afte ra long history of public service to the State of Vermont, including seven years as Vermont’s Deputy Commissioner for the Vermont Department of Economic Development. Smith goes onto have 12 productive years in the role leading VCIA.


VCIA works with state to permit captives to buy Affordable Housing Tax Credits

 VCIA supports captives to purchase Vermont Affordable Housing Tax Credits to offset annual premium tax liability, a win for captive sand affordable housing in Vermont. VCIA also drives approval for state approval of Agency Captives. Agency Captives are reinsurance companies controlled by an insurance agency or brokerage firm.


VCIA hosts successful virtual conference due to COVID-19

The virtual event brought in over 500 participants and was an important way to keep VCIA viable and prepared to overcome any pandemic challenges.


Vermont licenses its 1,200 captive

Thank to the tremendous partnership between the VCIA and the Vermont Department of Financial Regulation and Economic Development.


VCIA leads international trade mission to Mexico City

And builds relationships with Latin American companies and Latin American insurance associations that are still bearing fruit today.


VCIA celebrates its 40th anniversary and rolls out its new strategic initiatives

A 40th anniversary sponsorship campaign is established for partners to support VCIA's ambitious strategic initiatives rollout, which includes a new website, brand and logo, and other exciting programs!

A Blast Through the Captive Past

There are so many wonderful people - and organizations - who made VCIA what it is today.

Providing Member Organizations More Value by Innovating and Enhancing Three Foundational Pillars

Our strategic planning deliberations, the strategic initiative rollouts, and strategic execution are an integrated, careful and creative approach that will result in tremendous year-round value and influence for all VCIA members.

VCIA: Your Ultimate Source for Captive Education

Harnessing the powers of the latest technology to advance VCIA as the go-to source for captive insurance content and education, both for active captive professionals and those discovering the industry

Vision: Be THE source of knowledge for Alternative Risk Transfer

VCIA: Your True Industry Connector & Community Builder

Developing concrete deliverables that provide year-round value to members and boost membership numbers

Vision: Create spaces and opportunities for sustained, meaningful connections

VCIA: Your Leading & Change Making Captive Advocate

Promoting and protecting the captive industry in Vermont, through thorough educational efforts, strategic legislative efforts, and communication outreach to captive stakeholders and the general public.

Vision: Be the leading voice providing consistent advocacy to promote advancement of the captive insurance industry‍

Participate in VCIA's new strategic initiatives

VCIA will be rolling out new initiatives throughout 2025 and beyond. These initiatives are designed to meet the needs of our members and to provide relevant and timely value to all captive stakeholders.

Contact us on how you can get involved and also to share feedback on the new and exciting things VCIA is implementing.

A large gathering of people in a courtyard of a hotel for a conference reception

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