Sponsor VCIA's 40th Anniversary

See Prospectus

Save the Date! VCIA 2025: August 11-13th, Burlington, VT

Press Release, November 19th 2024: VCIA Announces 40th Anniversary Sponsorship Opportunities

The Vermont Captive Insurance Association, established in 1985, is the largest trade association for captive insurance in the world, and hosts the largest annual American captive insurance event. VCIA provides education & legislative advocacy for the captive industry, as well as productive networking opportunities, and hosts a high-value conference where the captive world comes to meet every August. Become a VCIA member today and discover lasting benefits that will increase the value of your organization in the captive space.

Reasons to Become a VCIA Member



Why Join VCIA?

  1. Legislative Advocacy
  2. Captive Education
  3. Networking Opportunities