Effective Captive Advocacy Starts Here.
VCIA champions and protects the captive industry in Vermont and beyond and our annual Legislative Day is a critical part of the process.

VCIA Hill Day
A renewed, annual visit to Washington D.C. as VCIA leaders engage in important meetings for updates on any looming federal legislation and regulations that may impact captives.
A full "Hill Day" report, sponsored by 40th Anniversary Emerald and Pearl Sponsors, M&T Bank/Wilmington Trust; AIG; AM Best; Marsh; Old Republic Risk Management; and WTW will be published to members soon after the event.
Curious about this important captive mission? Contact kmead@vcia.com
Meeting congressional staffers
Along with VCIA legal representatives, a VCIA delegate plans to meet with Vermont congressional staffers as well as other elected officials.
Showing how captives boost the economy
Backing up the personal touch with strong data showing captive insurance as a healthy complement to the traditional, third-party insurance markets.

Hill Day Itinerary
March 17th - VCIA Delegation arrives in D.C. Team dinner and gameplan for meetings the next day.
March 18th - Morning meetings.
10am - Meeting with congressional staffers from the office of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.
11am - Meeting with congressional staffers from the office of South Carolina Senator Tim Scott.
12pm - Meeting with congressional staffers from the office of Vermont Senator Peter Welch.
March 18th - Afternoon meetings.
2pm - Meeting with congressional staffer from the office of Vermont Representative Becca Balint.
3pm - Meeting with congressional staffers from the office of Nebraska Representative Mike Flood.
4pm - Meeting with congressional staffers from the office of Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Federal legislative topics of interest that may relate to captive insurance.
- TRIA/PRIA reauthorization
- NFIP/Private Flood Insurance
- Risk Retention Liability Act
- SAFER Act, on Cannabis Finance and Regulation
- Cybersecurity and Privacy
- Post Disaster Relief
- Dodd Frank & NRRA Act
- Third Party Litigation Funding
For the Vermont elected officials.
- Vermont workforce issues
- Vermont housing and MICE infrastructure challenges
- Fierce captive domicile competition and the need to support Vermont as the Gold Standard

A Meticulous, Months-in-the-Making Effort to Shape the Annual Vermont Captive Bill
Legislative day is a critical event in which Vermont lawmakers see just how impactful the captive industry is to the Green Mountain State.
Legislator Luncheon
Local VCIA members can join us in Montpelier as we meet and educate lawmakers on the scope of captive insurance and how Vermont leads the way worldwide.
Captive State of the Industry
Fresh into the New Year, Legislative Day is also time for a Captive State of the Industry address, when VCIA and Vermont DFR and DED leaders discuss newly published captive statistics, and more.

"We love the captive insurance industry, and we try to be very helpful. The captive infrastructure here in Vermont has the expertise, speed and responsiveness that us legislators acknowledge, seeing the tremendous value it brings to our state."

Legislative Resources
The most recent Vermont bills concerning captive insurance, plus analysis and context from some VCIA members.