Emerging Leaders




VCIA is Proud to Partner with The Vermont Captive Insurance Emerging Leaders! 

Addressing the captive workforce challenge for the next generation by recruiting, engaging, and networking for the long term success of the captive industry.

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VCIEL Internship Roster for Students 

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May 2024 VCIEL Article from Risk & Insurance

Read More Details Here About VCIEL in its Official Press Release

“Vermont is home to one of the largest networks of experienced and knowledgeable captive insurance professionals in the world. VCIEL represents one way to leverage the expertise that exists to promote the state, highlight captive insurance career opportunities, and support future leaders.” -  Ian Davis, Senior Vice President of Captive Insurance at M&T Bank and member of VCIEL




Who is VCIEL?

Formed in March 2023 as an affiliate to VCIA, The Vermont Captive Insurance Emerging Leaders is a group of captive insurance professionals in Vermont who represent various roles and companies in industry, and who come together to address the challenges for the next generation in the captive workforce.

What is the purpose of VCIEL?

The group’s mission is to reach new audiences that may have interest in the captive industry as a career; engage students, interns, and rising professionals about opportunities in the captive industry; retain talented new and rising professionals already within the industry; and create a platform for captive emerging professionals to develop as leaders not only in their companies, but in the greater captive community.

How can you get involved?

Anyone interested in the health of the next generation of leaders for the captive industry is welcome to join! VCIEL meets every other month to strategize ways to promote captives to new audiences as well as how it can be influential with the pool of emerging captive leaders already involved. VCIEL also holds informal meetups, so stay tuned for the next one, and contact VCIA Director of Communications Francis McGill if you're interested in joining VCIEL - we'd love to have you!









  • Serve as a resource to the Vermont Captive Insurance Association (VCIA) on the annual conference planning, panel and speaker selections, and other initiatives.
  • Create opportunities for emerging captive insurance professionals in Vermont to network with one another.
  • Create speaking and leadership opportunities for new and emerging captive insurance professionals.
  • Foster a culture of inclusion and a sense of belonging in the Vermont captive insurance industry, contributing to a diverse workforce.
  • Raise awareness about the captive industry in Vermont as a career path through talking with local colleges, universities, and high schools and creating opportunities for student involvement in the local captive insurance industry.
  • Maintain balanced representation of various roles and companies in the captive insurance industry.
  • Elevate the broader captive insurance industry by addressing the workforce challenge head on, promoting the industry’s broad impact, and by collaborating with other industry initiatives beyond Vermont’s borders.

Further Resources

Vermont Captive Careers

International Center for Captive Insurance Education (ICCIE)